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AFW Hike: Catfish Pond, Blairstown, NJ (Del Water Gap Rec Area) on Sunday 12/17/2023
5-mile loop. Fire tower, views, pond
Difficulty/Pace: Moderate/Moderate
Hike Coordinator: Nancy

Hike: Catfish Pond, Blairstown, NJ (Del Water Gap Rec Area) on Sunday 12/17/2023
5-mile loop. Fire tower, views, pond
Difficulty/Pace: Moderate/Moderate
Hike Coordinator: Nancy
Ace Hardware Store, Bridge Street, Blairstown, NJ
I-80 West, Exit 12. Take Route 521 North to Blairstown. Turn left at T (Route 94 junction); turn right at first traffic light (leaving Routes 94 and 521). Hardware store on right. Meet on left side of building, alongside road.
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