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In addition to your Annual Membership Dues, consider a making a donation to AFW.
​Adventures For Women is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization that keeps its operating expenses low with the help of volunteers. We offer a variety of programs so that women with diverse abilities and interests can take advantage of the outdoors. We welcome and appreciate any additional tax-deductible contribution you may wish to make.​ Donations help us continue to provide a variety of outdoor experiences for our members as well as support the guides and volunteers who give their time and talent to make it all work. ​
- 25$Valid for 12 months
- 50$Valid for 12 months
- 100$Valid for 12 months
** Adventures For Women is a public charity 509(a)(2), a type of qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Since no goods or services are provided by Adventures for Women in return for your donation, the entire amount of your donation may be tax-deductible. Please speak to your tax professional for confirmation given your specific circumstances.
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